Work History:

08/2008 to 07/2015: Department of Safeguards, International Atomic Energy Agency (UNO)

10/2007 to 04/2008: Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nuclear Science and Technology Division

04/2004 to 09/2007: Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory: NNSA Stockpile Stewardship Science Program

01/2003 to 04/2004: Research Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Isotope & Nuclear ChemistryGroup, LANSCE accelerator facility.

10/2001 to 12/2002: Research Fellow, Florida State University, Department of Chemistry, (working with Prof. Gregory R. Choppin)

08/1997 to 09/2001: Research fellow to undertake PhD in nuclear chemistry at the University of Mainz, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry (supervisior: Prof. Dr. J.-V. Kratz), title of the thesis: "Development of an on-line-Chromatography for Element 106 (Seaborgium)".

06/1996:   Degree obtained: "Diplom-Chemiker" (Msc) at 30th July 1997.

diploma-thesis work in nuclear chemistry at the University of Marburg, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, Germany, supervisior: Prof. Dr. P. Patzelt, Title of the thesis: "A new determination of the half-life of 105mRh after separation from the fission products".

10/1993 to 07/1997:  study of chemistry (main study) University of Marburg (Germany).

10/1991 to 09/1993:   study of chemistry (basic study) Technical University of Dresden.

07/1989 to 08/1990:   co-worker quality managment and technical advisery for the Sächsische Olefinwerke Böhlen AG, Böhlen (close to Leipzig).

Summary of Work Experience

  • referee for scientific journals
  • program and organizing committee for scientific conferences and work at committees of professional organizations; consulting
  • frequent presentations, invited talks, contributed talks and poster, scientific reviews
  • participation in large-scale experiments on acceleration facilities, e.g. at the "Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung" - GSI Darmstadt (temporary staff member), the Paul-Scherrer-Insitut, Villigen, Schwitzerland, LANSCE at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • working in international collaborations and research groups

Duties in the field of education at the university:

  • tutorial work at the university (lecture of general and inorganic chemistry for natural scientists), latter responsible for the tutorial work; assisting the member of the examination board as co-referent; member of the head of the institute, that belong to the collegium
  • lecturing general and inorganic chemistry on behalf of Prof. K.-L. Kratz
  • supervision of students in laboratory course work, supervising the course for students
    from the departments of chemistry, physics, mineralogy and geology
  • supervising advanced students doing a period of practical training in nuclear chemistry
  • frequent guest lectures in radiochemistry, actinide chemistry, and isotope applications for chemistry and nuclear engineering students

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