Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kronenberg
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Fachverband Strahlenschutz
DECHEMA - Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI)
Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
- 1998-2002 member of the scientific advisory committee "Chemistry and waste managment"
on the annually General Meeting of the German Nuclear Society
- American Nuclear Society: program and organizing committee for topical meeting Decontamination&Decommissioning
- 2003-2006 member of the Honors and Awards Committee of the American Nuclear Society
- 2009-2015 member of the International Committee of the American Nuclear Society
- 2016-2019 member of the Executive Committee of the Decommissioning & Environmental Science Divison, ANS
Other Important Information:
- IAEA Monitoring Team Fukushima in April 2011
- listed in “Who is Who in America”(R) 2006-2008, as well as
“Who is Who in Science and Engineering”(R); 9th Edition, 2006-2009
- ständiger Gast im DIN-Ausschuss "Radioaktivitätsmessungen im Strahlenschutz" und DIN-ISO